Carvalho (C239)

Wed, June 12, 2024
1. End of the Year Choice Board
Past Week's Activities
Wed, May 29, 2024
Typing Test - (20 WPM Goal!!!) - Typing Games
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Kodable (login with Clever badge)
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Coding - Hour of Code
5. Finished early time.
Wed, May 22, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Kodable (login with Clever badge)
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Finished early time.
Wed, May 15, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Kodable (login with Clever badge)
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Finished early time.
Wed, May 8, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Star Wars - May the Fourth Be with You Special.
Star Wars Choice Board STEM #2
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Finished early time.
Wednesday May 1, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Review 10 slides in Google Slide Scavenger Hunt.
3. Comic Creator in Pixton
Wednesday April 24, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Comic Creator in Pixton
3. Finished Early remainder of the class.
Thursday April 11, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
3. IRobots. Connect the robots and draw a different shape.....
Special Shape Link. Try creating your own Wheel Shape...
Thursday April 3, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Google Slides Scavenger hunt from
Go over 10 slides
3. IRobots. Connect the robots and draw a different shape.....
Special Shape Link
Thursday March 28, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Google Slides Scavenger hunt from
March 14. Finish 10 slides
3. Choice Time (Finished early)
Wednesday March 27, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Continue with MCAS Practice - TestNav Tutorial
Wednesday March 20, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. MCAS Practice - TestNav Tutorial
Wednesday March 14, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Google Slides Scavenger hunt and
answer questions.
3. When finished, Click on Scratch getting started link.
Then choose a tutorial to create something of your choice.
(You can Login to Scratch with Google Account!)
Tuesday March 13, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Go Over Grade 4 Exploring Google Docs Challenge.
(finish document)
3. When finished, Click on Scratch getting started link.
Then choose a tutorial to create something of your choice.
(You can Login to Scratch with Google Account!)
Tuesday March 6 and 7, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Grade 4 Exploring Google Docs Challenge.
(do questions 6-10. We will go over answers together)
Week of February 26, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Click on Scratch getting started link.
Then choose a tutorial to create something of your choice.
(You can Login to Scratch with Google Account!)
3. Finished early time when completed.
Heart Week
Week of February 12, 2024
Heart Week Choice Board
Week of February 5, 2024 (2nd class)
Warmup: Google Basics - Making a Google Document
1. Typing - Typing Club (5 min.)
2. Hour of Code - Pirate Plunder.
3. Alternate Coding - Kodable
Week of February 5, 2024
(Early Release)
1. Typing - Typing Club (5 min.)
2. Choose an App from Keyboarding Page (10 min.)
3. Finished Early
Week of January 29, 2024
Warmup: Google Basics - Making a Google Document
1. 5 minutes in Typing Club.
2. Hour of Code - Code Monkey - Write Code and Catch Bananas
Week of January 29, 2024
Warmup: Google Basics - Making a Google Document
1. 5 minutes in Typing Club.
2. Today we will continue our coding month with with Star Wars (block coding)
Week of January 22, 2024
1. Five minutes in Typing Club.
2. We will finish presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide
shows to class.
3. Start of our Month of Code - by starting
with Course B. (block coding)
if finished do: Lesson #4 Programming with Angry Birds.
Week of January 16, 2024
*(Grade 4 will meet in Gym with Players from Bryant Univ.)
1. Five minutes in Typing Club.
2. We will finish presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide
shows to class.
3. Start of our Month of Code - by starting
with Course B. (block coding)
Week of January 8, 2024
1. We will continue presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide shows to class.
2. Five minutes in Typing Club.
Week of January 2, 2024
1. We will be presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide shows to class.
Week of December 18, 2023
1. Christmas Choice Board
Week of December 11, 2023
1. We will finish creating our Google slide show about animals.
2. Open Epic, search for favorite animal.
favorite animal.
2. Choice Time
Week of December 4, 2023
1. Open Epic, search for favorite animal.
We will continue creating a Google slide show about favorite animal.
2. Choice Time
Week of November 27, 2023
1. Open Epic, search for favorite animal.
We will be creating a Google slide about favorite animal.
2. Choice Time
Week of November 20, 2023
1. Choice Board - Choose your activity...
Week of November 13, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club .
2. Do "What I am Thankful For" Google Slide.
Week of November 6, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club Take a Test.
2. Do Disguise a Turkey Google Slide.
Week of October 30, 2023
1. Autumn Trail Choice Board
2. Click on the alternate Choice Board and pick your activity.
Week of October 23, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club (five minute warmup)
2. Canva Document - Open up a Halloween
Template and create a Spooky Card!
Week of October 18, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club (five minute warmup)
2. Click on the Choice Board and pick your
Week of October 9, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Open up Google Docs Performance Task,
answer questions and turn in to me.
3. Finish All About Me Google Doc
(upload avatar for picture)
Week of October 2, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Do All About Me Google Doc
(upload avatar for picture)
3. Create an avatar, download it
and then upload into Document.
Week of September 27, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Internet Safety - Start Interland
3. Complete the internet safety exit ticket.
Week of September 20, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Internet Safety - Cyber Surf Island
(choose 2 islands you haven't done yet)
3. Complete the internet safety exit ticket.
Week of September 11, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Internet Safety - Cyber Surf Island
(choose 2 islands you haven't done yet)
Week of September 5, 2023
1. Quick Review of Expectations of
Computer Classroom.
2. Signing onto Computers- Review
3. Join Google Classroom
4. Keyboarding - Typing Club
5. Internet Safety - Cyber Surf Island
Week of August 30, 2023
1. Welcome Back!!! Expectations of
Computer Class.
2. Signing onto Computers- Review
3. Join Google Classroom
4. Keyboarding
Wed, June 12, 2024
1. End of the Year Choice Board
Past Week's Activities
Wed, May 29, 2024
Typing Test - (20 WPM Goal!!!) - Typing Games
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Kodable (login with Clever badge)
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Coding - Hour of Code
5. Finished early time.
Wed, May 22, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Kodable (login with Clever badge)
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Finished early time.
Wed, May 15, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Kodable (login with Clever badge)
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Finished early time.
Wed, May 8, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Star Wars - May the Fourth Be with You Special.
Star Wars Choice Board STEM #2
3. Pixton - Comic Creator
4. Finished early time.
Wednesday May 1, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Review 10 slides in Google Slide Scavenger Hunt.
3. Comic Creator in Pixton
Wednesday April 24, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Comic Creator in Pixton
3. Finished Early remainder of the class.
Thursday April 11, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
3. IRobots. Connect the robots and draw a different shape.....
Special Shape Link. Try creating your own Wheel Shape...
Thursday April 3, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Google Slides Scavenger hunt from
Go over 10 slides
3. IRobots. Connect the robots and draw a different shape.....
Special Shape Link
Thursday March 28, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Google Slides Scavenger hunt from
March 14. Finish 10 slides
3. Choice Time (Finished early)
Wednesday March 27, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Continue with MCAS Practice - TestNav Tutorial
Wednesday March 20, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. MCAS Practice - TestNav Tutorial
Wednesday March 14, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Google Slides Scavenger hunt and
answer questions.
3. When finished, Click on Scratch getting started link.
Then choose a tutorial to create something of your choice.
(You can Login to Scratch with Google Account!)
Tuesday March 13, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Go Over Grade 4 Exploring Google Docs Challenge.
(finish document)
3. When finished, Click on Scratch getting started link.
Then choose a tutorial to create something of your choice.
(You can Login to Scratch with Google Account!)
Tuesday March 6 and 7, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Open up Grade 4 Exploring Google Docs Challenge.
(do questions 6-10. We will go over answers together)
Week of February 26, 2024
1. Typing Club Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Click on Scratch getting started link.
Then choose a tutorial to create something of your choice.
(You can Login to Scratch with Google Account!)
3. Finished early time when completed.
Heart Week
Week of February 12, 2024
Heart Week Choice Board
Week of February 5, 2024 (2nd class)
Warmup: Google Basics - Making a Google Document
1. Typing - Typing Club (5 min.)
2. Hour of Code - Pirate Plunder.
3. Alternate Coding - Kodable
Week of February 5, 2024
(Early Release)
1. Typing - Typing Club (5 min.)
2. Choose an App from Keyboarding Page (10 min.)
3. Finished Early
Week of January 29, 2024
Warmup: Google Basics - Making a Google Document
1. 5 minutes in Typing Club.
2. Hour of Code - Code Monkey - Write Code and Catch Bananas
Week of January 29, 2024
Warmup: Google Basics - Making a Google Document
1. 5 minutes in Typing Club.
2. Today we will continue our coding month with with Star Wars (block coding)
Week of January 22, 2024
1. Five minutes in Typing Club.
2. We will finish presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide
shows to class.
3. Start of our Month of Code - by starting
with Course B. (block coding)
if finished do: Lesson #4 Programming with Angry Birds.
Week of January 16, 2024
*(Grade 4 will meet in Gym with Players from Bryant Univ.)
1. Five minutes in Typing Club.
2. We will finish presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide
shows to class.
3. Start of our Month of Code - by starting
with Course B. (block coding)
Week of January 8, 2024
1. We will continue presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide shows to class.
2. Five minutes in Typing Club.
Week of January 2, 2024
1. We will be presenting Favorite Animal Google Slide shows to class.
Week of December 18, 2023
1. Christmas Choice Board
Week of December 11, 2023
1. We will finish creating our Google slide show about animals.
2. Open Epic, search for favorite animal.
favorite animal.
2. Choice Time
Week of December 4, 2023
1. Open Epic, search for favorite animal.
We will continue creating a Google slide show about favorite animal.
2. Choice Time
Week of November 27, 2023
1. Open Epic, search for favorite animal.
We will be creating a Google slide about favorite animal.
2. Choice Time
Week of November 20, 2023
1. Choice Board - Choose your activity...
Week of November 13, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club .
2. Do "What I am Thankful For" Google Slide.
Week of November 6, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club Take a Test.
2. Do Disguise a Turkey Google Slide.
Week of October 30, 2023
1. Autumn Trail Choice Board
2. Click on the alternate Choice Board and pick your activity.
Week of October 23, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club (five minute warmup)
2. Canva Document - Open up a Halloween
Template and create a Spooky Card!
Week of October 18, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club (five minute warmup)
2. Click on the Choice Board and pick your
Week of October 9, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Open up Google Docs Performance Task,
answer questions and turn in to me.
3. Finish All About Me Google Doc
(upload avatar for picture)
Week of October 2, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Do All About Me Google Doc
(upload avatar for picture)
3. Create an avatar, download it
and then upload into Document.
Week of September 27, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Internet Safety - Start Interland
3. Complete the internet safety exit ticket.
Week of September 20, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Internet Safety - Cyber Surf Island
(choose 2 islands you haven't done yet)
3. Complete the internet safety exit ticket.
Week of September 11, 2023
1. Keyboarding - Typing Club
2. Internet Safety - Cyber Surf Island
(choose 2 islands you haven't done yet)
Week of September 5, 2023
1. Quick Review of Expectations of
Computer Classroom.
2. Signing onto Computers- Review
3. Join Google Classroom
4. Keyboarding - Typing Club
5. Internet Safety - Cyber Surf Island
Week of August 30, 2023
1. Welcome Back!!! Expectations of
Computer Class.
2. Signing onto Computers- Review
3. Join Google Classroom
4. Keyboarding