Flores (D138)

Heart Week Choice Board
Week of February 3-7, 2024
1. Activity of the Week - Kodable Basics
2. Typing - Typing Club (10 minutes Login with Clever
Past Week's Activities
Week of January 27-31, 2024
1. Activity of the Week - Kodable Beach Cleanup
2. Typing - Typing Club (10 minutes Login with Clever
Week of January 13-17, 2024
Activity of the Week - Beaver Achiever
Code Monkey Jr. (sequencing and loops)
Show me if you complete the activity!!!
2. Typetastic - Finish 2 levels.
3. Typing (10 minutes) When finished (Login with Clever)
Week of January 6-10, 2024
1. Introduction: Activity of the Week - Code Monkey Jr.
Show me if you complete the activity!!!
2. Typing (10 minutes) When finished (Login with Clever)
Week of December 16-20, 2024
1. Christmas Choice Board
Week of December 9-13, 2024
1. Kodable - Do Introduction on IPAD
Click on Kodable App, choose Play at School, find your name, type in code: CHX7NMW
2. Keyboarding - Typing Choice Page
Week of December 2-6, 2024
1. We will view our Adopted Cow Creation videos.
2. Tangram Shapes
Week of November 25-27, 2024
1. Finish Adopted Cow Creation
2. We will continue recording our cow video.
3. Choice board while waiting to record.....
Week of November 18-22, 2024
1. Finish Adopted Cow Creation
2. Color the Cow
3. We will continue recording our cow video.
4. Draw a cow activity.
Week of November 4-8, 2024
1. Adopted Cow Creation
2. Color the Cow
Week October 28-November 1, 2024
1. Autumn Week Choice Board
2nd Class
1. Autumn Week Choice Board
Week October 21-25, 2024
1. SeeSaw - We take a look at your Create
a House picture Activity and Review.
2. Start your "Data all About Me" writing, Try to use
more than 1 color and font.
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing 2
or Dance Mat Typing 3
2nd Class
1. Draw the best self portrait you can using colored
pencils or crayons.
2. Using the Data All About Me document, write out the facts
about yourself
3. Select ABCMouse
Week October 14-18, 2024 Columbus Day - No School
Week October 7-11, 2024
1. SeeSaw - Make an Owl
We will finish Owl Computer Activity and Review.
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #5 WO #6 WP)
2nd Class
1. Tech Tools - Create a House
2. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
3. Select ABCMouse
Week September 30-October 4, 2024
1. SeeSaw - Computer Activity
We will finish Computer Activity and Review.
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #4 TY)
2nd Class
1. Pattern Block Activity - Make an Owl
2. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
3. Select ABCMouse
Week September 23-27, 2024
1. SeeSaw - Computer Activity
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #3 RU)
3. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
4. Select ABCMouse
Week September 16-20, 2024
1. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #1 Homerow)
(Choose #2 EI)
3. Select ABCMouse
Week September 9, 2024
1. Technology Class Introduction and Expectations
2. Join Google Classroom
3. Typing Club (take placement test do 5 min. warmup)
3. Cyber Five Internet Safety
4. Internet Safety - Video
Week of February 3-7, 2024
1. Activity of the Week - Kodable Basics
2. Typing - Typing Club (10 minutes Login with Clever
Past Week's Activities
Week of January 27-31, 2024
1. Activity of the Week - Kodable Beach Cleanup
2. Typing - Typing Club (10 minutes Login with Clever
Week of January 13-17, 2024
Activity of the Week - Beaver Achiever
Code Monkey Jr. (sequencing and loops)
Show me if you complete the activity!!!
2. Typetastic - Finish 2 levels.
3. Typing (10 minutes) When finished (Login with Clever)
Week of January 6-10, 2024
1. Introduction: Activity of the Week - Code Monkey Jr.
Show me if you complete the activity!!!
2. Typing (10 minutes) When finished (Login with Clever)
Week of December 16-20, 2024
1. Christmas Choice Board
Week of December 9-13, 2024
1. Kodable - Do Introduction on IPAD
Click on Kodable App, choose Play at School, find your name, type in code: CHX7NMW
2. Keyboarding - Typing Choice Page
Week of December 2-6, 2024
1. We will view our Adopted Cow Creation videos.
2. Tangram Shapes
Week of November 25-27, 2024
1. Finish Adopted Cow Creation
2. We will continue recording our cow video.
3. Choice board while waiting to record.....
Week of November 18-22, 2024
1. Finish Adopted Cow Creation
2. Color the Cow
3. We will continue recording our cow video.
4. Draw a cow activity.
Week of November 4-8, 2024
1. Adopted Cow Creation
2. Color the Cow
Week October 28-November 1, 2024
1. Autumn Week Choice Board
2nd Class
1. Autumn Week Choice Board
Week October 21-25, 2024
1. SeeSaw - We take a look at your Create
a House picture Activity and Review.
2. Start your "Data all About Me" writing, Try to use
more than 1 color and font.
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing 2
or Dance Mat Typing 3
2nd Class
1. Draw the best self portrait you can using colored
pencils or crayons.
2. Using the Data All About Me document, write out the facts
about yourself
3. Select ABCMouse
Week October 14-18, 2024 Columbus Day - No School
Week October 7-11, 2024
1. SeeSaw - Make an Owl
We will finish Owl Computer Activity and Review.
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #5 WO #6 WP)
2nd Class
1. Tech Tools - Create a House
2. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
3. Select ABCMouse
Week September 30-October 4, 2024
1. SeeSaw - Computer Activity
We will finish Computer Activity and Review.
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #4 TY)
2nd Class
1. Pattern Block Activity - Make an Owl
2. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
3. Select ABCMouse
Week September 23-27, 2024
1. SeeSaw - Computer Activity
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #3 RU)
3. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
4. Select ABCMouse
Week September 16-20, 2024
1. Typing Warmup (5 minutes)
2. Keyboarding- Dance Mat Typing
(Choose #1 Homerow)
(Choose #2 EI)
3. Select ABCMouse
Week September 9, 2024
1. Technology Class Introduction and Expectations
2. Join Google Classroom
3. Typing Club (take placement test do 5 min. warmup)
3. Cyber Five Internet Safety
4. Internet Safety - Video