Internet Safety Rules
1. I will never give out personal information, such as phone numbers,
address, passwords or photos.
2. I will talk to a parent, teacher or guardian if I feel uncomfortable
with what I see on the internet.
3. I will be polite and respectful of others online. I will not send a message to someone that I would not say face-to-face.
4. I won't meet with someone that I meet "online".
5. When chatting online I will use a nickname that will not reveal anything about me.
1. I will never give out personal information, such as phone numbers,
address, passwords or photos.
2. I will talk to a parent, teacher or guardian if I feel uncomfortable
with what I see on the internet.
3. I will be polite and respectful of others online. I will not send a message to someone that I would not say face-to-face.
4. I won't meet with someone that I meet "online".
5. When chatting online I will use a nickname that will not reveal anything about me.
Kid Safe Surf Engines for Research Projects